Global Summit on Disinformation with focus on Latin America

Adrian Pino
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2021


The first Global Summit on Disinformation will be free and online

With the support of Hacks/Hackers, professionals from around the world will come together for two working days to join forces and combat disinformation in the Latin America region. The Global Summit on Disinformation will be free, online, and will take place on October 1 and 2, 2021.

The phenomenon of disinformation has increased exponentially. The role of social media in the viralization of content has generated a significant growth in the amount and speed with which disinformation, misleading content or information out of context circulates. The scenario has had a strong impact on journalism, weakening confidence in the media as a result of “fake news.”

The situation demands maximum efforts to consolidate verification routines, early detection strategies and the use of digital tools that speed up alerts about disinformation that puts the population at risk.

With the idea of joining forces and combating disinformation in the region, the Inter-American Press Association, the Desconfio Project of Argentina, and the Foundation for Journalism of Bolivia are promoting the First Global Summit on Disinformation with its epicenter in Latin America. The event, which has the support of Hacks/Hackers, will be online and will take place on October 1 and 2, 2021.

Some of the most important anti-misinformation projects in the world, such as First Draft News, The Trust Project, the Knight Center, MisinfoCon, the Credibility Coalition,, Google, Agencia Lupa, the Desconfio Project, and others, have already confirmed their participation.

These two days seek to share knowledge, build alliances and networks between the different actors dedicated to the subject in the world. During the summit, more than 20 international speakers will participate, sharing projects and experiences in four thematic areas:

- Politics, media and democracy;

- Media literacy and disinformation;

- Artificial intelligence and journalism,

- The challenges of fact checking.

Through various activities such as keynotes, talks, panels and workshops, we hope to transform the Summit into a meeting place to detect and stop disinformation. It will be an excellent opportunity to create the links necessary to carry out concrete and successful actions around disinformation in the world. Registration is open and more information can be found at

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Data Analyst — Disinformation researcher — Coordinator of the team “Desconfio Project” and “Datos Concepción” —